The Poly Vagel Theory

The polyvagal theory states that persistent engagement of our autonomic nervous system in defensive activities, such as trauma or prolonged stress, harms both physical and mental well-being due to an imbalance in its branches of the autonomic nervous system.

This theory emphasizes the crucial role of the vagus nerve, linking the brain to the heart and visceral organs, in human connection and communication. Understanding vagus nerve function provides insight into how the nervous system is conditioned to respond to stimuli.

Polyvagal theory describes stages of response: ventral vagal (calm), sympathetic (arousal/stress), and dorsal vagal (shutdown/disconnection), with cortisol saturation and thus the shutting down of the nervous system occurring in prolonged threat situations.

The polyvagal ladder offers a visual representation of polyvagal theory, showing how the nervous system responds to various stimuli. Peter A. Levine's analogy of encountering a tiger helps explain this concept.

Imagine someone relaxing in their home when suddenly confronted by an intruder. Their brain triggers a surge of stress hormones for rapid escape. If escape seems impossible, the brain signals a shutdown response, leading to numbness and dissociation. Extreme stress can cause collapse or loss of consciousness.

Upon return to safety, the nervous system gradually shifts from shutdown back to initial reactions. With decreasing stress, they return to a calmer state over time.

However, with prolonged stress, repeated episodes of stress, or punctuated stress (trauma) the nervous system can be conditioned to remain in a sympathetic (fight/flight) or dorsal state (freeze/disconnection). The Triple Vagal Method acts to recondition and calm the nervous system so that one may experience longer periods of parasympathetic (relaxation) states.